

MURO LX_2021



Zurik began painting graffiti in 2009 in her hometown, Bogotá - Colombia at the age of 19. Her career has taken her from the beginning to participate in numerous exhibitions and festivals of graffiti and urban art, first at the local level, then nationally and later expanding reaching countries such as Mexico, Australia, the United States, Denmark, France, Greece and Spain, where she permanently resides since 2016.

From a very young age she had a strong interest in painting, learning to paint in oil at the age of 10 and going through different painting techniques until she was 15 when she first noticed letters. Zurik specialized in Graphic Design, taking from this profession what she believed was useful in order to fuel her passion for painting graffiti. She finished her career in 2014 but she has never practiced it, always living and working painting on the street.

Her interest in letters has led her to develop a unique style in which volume is achieved through geometric and unconventional shapes that stand out for their contrast and softness in the fades, a technique that she has polished over the years.

Although her main interest is in the walls, she has also made some works in smaller formats for some exhibitions and auctions.

In recent years she has incorporated into her work characters that intermingle with the letters and whose result is close to realism with illustrative touches that are almost always in positions that reflect the tranquility of a daily life, trying to interrupt as little as possible with the environment that surrounds them.

Currently she continues to climb in increasingly ambitious projects, promoting the use of letters in each of her works and creating a balance in her compositions, which allows her to continue using them even in environments and projects where usually making letters is still frowned upon.

Zurik continues to explore large-format painting without neglecting the possibility of professionalizing herself in another type of branch later, always in favor of graffiti; since another interest that she is passionate about is video editing and production, in addition to curating exhibitions.



Parque tejo


Sem título

Quero criar uma peça de graffiti colorida que represente as diferentes estações do ano através das cores... para mim as letras podem-se adaptar e brincar em diferentes conceitos, funcionando como uma figura principal, mas também como um elo entre espaço e forma, ou abstrato e ilustrativo. Para a parede quero que as pessoas reconheçam as letras mas que também vejam mais através delas, que as apreciem  e vejam como funcionam em grandes espaços, dando diferentes leituras e encontrando a beleza dos detalhes dentro delas.


MURO LX_2021

