MURO LX_2021
MOTS is a duo of urban artists from Portugal and Poland created by Diogo
Ruas, painter and illustrator, and Jagoda Cierniak, photographer and project
coordinator. Their collaboration merges their individual approaches
characterized by Diogo’s experience as an urban artist and Jagoda’s engagement
in social grassroots initiatives and art projects.
MOTS have created dozens of murals. Their works have been featured in a
number of publications, urban art festivals and group and solo art shows hosted
all over Europe. The couple’s amazement with the abstract and realistic margins
is clearly evident in their works that include canvas, large-scale murals and
interdisciplinary photography projects.
Com 'Florescer', apresentamos uma natureza morta composta por um jarro de flores típico das nossas casas, mas onde o conjunto de flores tem um significado próprio, pois cada flor foi escolhida de acordo com os países de origem dos imigrantes em Portugal.
De forma simbólica, quisemos representar as pessoas que fazem parte da nação, que enriquecem Portugal culturalmente, mas que ainda têm de enfrentar a luta das desigualdades sociais.
Pintura Livre
MURO LX_2021